Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Racial Quoteables

In case you have to be reminded of my whereabouts...
(And I mean that, babe.)

African-Americans and their sordid history are having the best week ever.

First, Tameka Foster gives a lesson on hue-ism and the black woman to Essence Magazine:

"We (black women) don’t like ourselves. If I were Hispanic, Usher would have the sexiest wife alive [niggasbelying]. If I were mixed, he’d have the sexiest wife alive...

But he has a black girl, and it’s like, ‘She’s horrible and she’s ugly!’ “OK, maybe I don’t fit the cookie-cutter standard - 25 and a size two - but this is who he loves.”

Oh, really? You just can't be the ugly wench that a monchichi knocked up? A whole race has to have deep-seated psychological issues because some of them don't want to be your friend. I do admire her moxie, though. She didn't go the easy route and plainly said "Bitches be hatin'".

Yes! We as a people still hate ourselves and eventually will self-destruct, but at least we've progressed from the term "hater".

Second, ignant ass (allegedly) murderous negroes on Myspace warrant an analysis by CNN and a Miami detective:

[These pages] “are part of the street culture, bragging about money, drugs, guns…a lot of the kids want to portray a gangster lifestyle and they want to portray this on their MySpace”.

Yeah, there is some ignant mess on Devilspace. I don't have to go to Citi Trends on double coupon day to get daily dose of ignorance; I just log onto Myspace.

Third, perpetually ashy comedian Godfrey wants Obama in and YT to go back to Caucasia, and for some reason, YT doesn't appreciate the sentiment: (Click Here)

Godfrey Aries Spears
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