Friday, October 5, 2007

Five Questions

(guest blogged by Univgurl)

This is a 'Getting to Know You' excercise that helped me to open up in my public speaking courses. It really works because I haven't been closed since.

Participation is mandatory. Don't be coy, we're all family here.

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Do you have a tattoo that you regret ever getting?

Brandy with a back tattoo of her then-boyfriend, Quentin Richardson on the left. On the right, the portrait tattoo is covered with the awkward face of a cat.

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If you look closely, this young lady has a picture of a big ass Baby Phat logo on her arm.

Me? I haven't had any permanent tattoos. Thank the Lord brokeness prevailed in my late teens/early twenties because I'd have a photo of Sisqo the Dragon tattooed on my inner thigh right now.

Testify. Pictures are strongly encouraged.

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What was the worst date you've ever had?

I know, the question is kind of generic, but we've all been there. An outing with an boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, etc. that just turned into a bull-fest. It doesn't have to be a long story. Just a who, what, when, where, how-type thing.

Me? Senior prom. My date drove his parent's car and after our less-than-stellar prom, he, for some reason, called home, got into an argument with his mom and she told him to bring her car back home.

I got home at 11:52 p.m.

If I had a bat or even a stale bread stick, I would've beaten both of their asses. I was hoping so hard on the way home that those thuglets who were always outside where I lived didn't see me return home because they were congratulating us as we left only three hours before.

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What is one of your bad habits?

Not necessarily your worst habit, just something you do that you (or others) wish you didn't.

Me? Every now and again, I sleep in a kneeling position. I grab a pillow, get on my knees and drift off to sleepyland. [No comments from the peanut gallery, please.]


What weird thing do you find yourself tearing up over?

Me? The ending of the movie D.C. Cab, the 1983 Mr.T film. Ever since I was a child I can't watch that movie without tearing up.


What's Your Porn Star Name?

It's your first pet's name, followed by the street name where you grew up.

Mine? Coco Dauphine.

**Stop right there!**

I couldn't be happier that you're first and everything, but go back, read, then comment!