Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Work It Out Wednesday

As we all know...this is the hardest time of the year to even think about anything here are some tips that you might find useful especially tailored for the holiday season:

  1. Try to take the stairs as often as possible.

  2. When shopping, if you are not going to be carrying anything heavy, try and park a little further away than you normally would.

  3. Avoiding seconds, thirds, fourths, etc. at holiday feasts might help.

  4. Eat a nice healthy breakfast/lunch before you go out to holiday gatherings to balance things out.

  5. Do the REL...Click here

  6. If you are going to eat a slice of apple pie, then cut down on the amount of something during the main course...portion control is key when trying to lose/maintain weight.

  7. Drink plenty of water to help your system stay cleansed & hydrated.

  8. If you have a work out routine, try your best to stick to it as best you can. Even if you normally work out 4 days a week, but due to the busy holiday schedule, you can only fit in 2-3 work outs...something is better than nothing.

8 Minute Abs

Since the abs seem to be the most troublesome area for most, here's a fast workout routine that actually works, I know because I've done it myself...


If you have any tips/suggestions send them to