Remember Him?
According to TMZ Rodney King's been this dude can't make the news for something that doesn't involve him being a victim of a violent crime...*smh*
[Rodney King] was shot and wounded on a San Bernardino street corner late Wednesday.*smh* da hell man??
King called Rialto police just before midnight to report the shooting. According to Sgt. Don Lewis, King was struck in the face and arm -- with what appeared to be pellets or birdshot. When police arrived at King's home, they reported that King and others inside appeared drunk.
Barack Obama Does Harlem, NYC this is from ABC news...
The $50-a-ticket fundraiser, dubbed by the campaign "A Night at the Apollo," was sold out with a club capacity of 1,400 people. The Apollo is the most popular club in the nation for black musicians, hip-hop artists, performers and comedians.when the hell was the Apollo ever a club??? YT know us color folks do more than just go clubbing right? I'm just's the Apollo please don't discredit what it is by calling it a damn club...thanx...
Chris Rock introduced Sen. Obama....and this is what he had to say:
"You'd say, 'I had that white lady! What was I thinking?" Rock said.did you mean to say "backed" not had???? *confused look on face*
Appealing to the mostly black audience, Obama said he's running for president because, "I'm tired of reading about Jena, I'm tired of reading about nooses, tired of reading about Justice Department that doesn't understand justice."What do the people have to say..."The only reason I am standing here today is because somebody, somewhere decided to stand up for me when it was hard," Obama said.
For some Harlem residents, Obama's visit wasn't enough to get their support.It is also said that Hillary overrall has more of the black vote than Barack accross the board..."We love Billy ... we would definitely support Hillary Clinton," Harlem resident Herbert Matthews said.
"Obama now, we never seen him out here, for him to come out of the blue because it's primary time and now we need the votes, we're not with that, we need people that are here to support the people here in the community," he said.
Throwback of the Day...