Ummm....Here's Some Left Overs That Didn't Make the Cut of Kelly's King Mag Spread She Did a While Back...
(see i told you it was slow....hence the title of this post...)
*in my best Tyra* This picture has no life in it...*does various poses to demonstrate how a real model does it* see if you do your eyes like this...instead of this....ah hell who am I kidding...Kelly you are B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!
I'd love cop your abs tho...
eh....this one at that bad...
This one's for you Markus!
Oh and according to this interview right here she's re-releasing Ms. Kelly, her sophomore album...*yawn*
In Other "I'm Being Treated Like A Red-headed Step-child" News...
Eve's new album is being pushed back...after having been given THREE release the album will be released sometime in 2008 and this is after she's already released two singles....*smh* The record industry is a ruff one now-a-days [Source]
Throwback of the Day...