This vision of hardness deserves her own posting.
[via source]
The following video shows E! News behind the scenes as Usher and his wife Man-Man posed for their photo spread for Essence magazine's November '07 issue. As you can probably tell by the screenshot, the couple will grace the cover of the issue as well. This will also mark the first interview they've done together ever since they started their home-wrecking, adulterous affair of a relationship nearly two years ago. As you watch the video clip, you can easily figure out who wears the pants in the relationship. Here's a small hint: it ain't the one whose internationally known for dropping his pants while performing on stage in front of thousands of screaming female fans. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm aware that a majority of pregnant women have their hormonal moments when either they don't want to be bothered, they don't want too many people in their personal space or they just feel like bitching about the smallest, most petty little things they can think of. After watching the video, I'm convinced Tameka is all three. How she gon tell folks who were there to do their job to get out?!
For those who cannot view the video, here are the highlights:
-Tameka's jawline can shred the thickest of government cheese.
-The cover of the November 2007 Essence magazine is bone tingling.
-TAMEKA is the one making all the demands.
-TAMEKA throws people who are there working out the room because she's uncomfortable.
-Usher's sitting there as if he's embarassed.
-TAMEKA somehow wasn't informed that's she's the supporting actor in the photoshoot.
-The former bootleg stylist is bitching about the wardrobe.
-She's complaining about not having a fierce pair of shoes on...I don't know honey, ask your husband if he's seen them.
-Usher is a great actor.
[via source]
The following video shows E! News behind the scenes as Usher and his wife Man-Man posed for their photo spread for Essence magazine's November '07 issue. As you can probably tell by the screenshot, the couple will grace the cover of the issue as well. This will also mark the first interview they've done together ever since they started their home-wrecking, adulterous affair of a relationship nearly two years ago. As you watch the video clip, you can easily figure out who wears the pants in the relationship. Here's a small hint: it ain't the one whose internationally known for dropping his pants while performing on stage in front of thousands of screaming female fans. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm aware that a majority of pregnant women have their hormonal moments when either they don't want to be bothered, they don't want too many people in their personal space or they just feel like bitching about the smallest, most petty little things they can think of. After watching the video, I'm convinced Tameka is all three. How she gon tell folks who were there to do their job to get out?!
For those who cannot view the video, here are the highlights:
-Tameka's jawline can shred the thickest of government cheese.
-The cover of the November 2007 Essence magazine is bone tingling.
-TAMEKA is the one making all the demands.
-TAMEKA throws people who are there working out the room because she's uncomfortable.
-Usher's sitting there as if he's embarassed.
-TAMEKA somehow wasn't informed that's she's the supporting actor in the photoshoot.
-The former bootleg stylist is bitching about the wardrobe.
-She's complaining about not having a fierce pair of shoes on...I don't know honey, ask your husband if he's seen them.
-Usher is a great actor.