Beyonce Stands by Her Principles
She refuses to cover up her assets for a scheduled Nov. 1 concert in Malaysia, a predominantly muslim country.
The dress code says there must be no hugging or kissing audience members or fellow artists, no jumping or shouting, no throwing objects onstage or at the audience and no foul language.Clothes cannot have obscene or drug-related images or messages, and female performers must show no skin from the tops of their chests to their knees.
Here's some photos from her current tour:
I mean seriously you couldn't ditch those tacky ass outfits for some more sofisticated ones for one dang night??? *smh*
[Source] other beytacky news....she was spotted with Jay coming out of a Mexican resturant in NYC during the weekend:
Jay, you think them pants are big enough for you dawg?
Now there's a few things in this picture that need to be discussed:
#1: This muh fugga and his baby hair:
why in the ghetto ass hell is this grown ass man sporting baby hair? somebody please tell me...
#2: These Boots:
This is one interesting ass boot trying to decide if i like the whole dominatrix couture hoodstyle something or other you got going on here...whatcha'll think?
Now let's sit back and wait for their next move on how they plan on achieving world domination...
This Man Claims To Be....
....the ORIGINATOR of "The Electric"......also known to the black comunity as "The Electric Slide"...apparently this fool had you tube and other sites take down any video demonstrating the dance we all know and love...and states that the dance has not been done correctly and blah blah blah....damn YT we can't have SHIT huh? not even the damn electric slide? GTFOH!!!!! *smh*
This video is supposed to demonstrate the "correct" version:
Whatever dude!
Tyra's Getting Hitched!
Im so happy for her! She is now engaged to long time boyfriend investment banker John Utendahl. It was said a while ago that she moved both of her shows to be with him....awwwwww how sweet!
He's the man pictured in this photo...
Kanye's Crib...
Bossip took some pics from Ye's blog that were taken in is house...
Please tell me alexis had something to do with those pillows and Jetson's pics...
That damn picture scares me...
Does this look like it's even in the same house????'re one weird ass dude! Keep it real hommie!
Throwback of the Day...