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(Thanks d.a)
Da hell does that mean?
BBL- be back later BFF- Best Friend Forever BRB- be right back BTW- by the way CTFU- cracking the f*** up GTFOH- get the f*** outta here IDK- I don't know IMO- in my opinion ITA- i totally agree KMA- kiss my azz LMAO- Laughing my a@@ off LMBAO- Laughing my black a@@ off OMG- oh, my goodness/gosh/gawd, etc. ROTFLMAO- Rolling on the floor laughing my a@@ off SMH- shaking my head SMDH- shakin my damn head STFU-shut the f*** up TMI- too much info TTYL- talkto you later TY- Thank You WTF-what, who the f*** WTH- what, who the hell, heck YW- you're welcome